Committee Makes Name Change

BikeNewark web logoThe Newark Bicycle Committee is now BikeNewark. In discussing some organizational improvements, the key players made the decision to use the timing to create a new name for our entity. The name “BikeNewark” was chosen because it had already been our Facebook and Twitter handles. BikeNewark’s tagline is “Moving Bicycling Forward in Newark, Delaware.” Its Communication subcommittee is currently working on surveying supporters to solicit needed help in several areas and asking BikeNewark partners (see last paragraph) to help spread the word.

The Newark Bicycle Committee had grown exponentially over the past 18 months, in its organizational structure as well as its activity, and BikeNewark is now in the process of formalizing with the state and the IRS. This will include determining what constitutes official membership and creating a slate of officers and bylaws.

One practical reason for this shift was the fact that many seem to confuse us with the Newark Bike Project and some have even gotten the impression that we’re either a City of Newark committee or a subsidiary group under WILMAPCO’s auspices (because it had been hosting our web presence). We’re actually a coalition comprising city residents, non-residents, and partner liaisons—all of whom are passionate about improving bicycling in Newark.

BikeNewark’s partners include the City of Newark, the University of Delaware, DelDOT, Newark Bike Project, WILMAPCO, Bike Delaware, and the Downtown Newark Partnership.